Monday, May 28, 2012

Grace and the "Sister Missionary Disease"

Hey Family, 

Where do I even start in describing
 this week? So much has 
happened and it has all been interesting. Juan is gone. He texted us and told us he'd skipped town but we don't know exactly where he is. :( Jenifer did not get baptized this week. She is in need of a new living situation. She was ticked when we told her she couldn't get baptized, but she meet with the bishop yesterday and is feeling a lot better. She came up to us after church and apologized for being such a 
butt. Our investigator, Natalie, is still rockin awesome. We 
didn't get to meet with her all week because her family was
 in town, but she texted us and said, "are you going to church today?" um...yes. And then she came too! What?! How cool is that?!
Anyway, Sister Sorenson and I both had to speak in church yesterday, and it was kind of nervous making. I don't know if y’all remember my farewell, but it wasn't that long – and that was when I had time to I just looked over and I have like 5 new emails. Just a second... yeah, so anyway we had to talk and it was...pretty good. I talked about the Atonement and grace and Sister Sorenson talked about the preexistence and how God knows us. Then one of our recent converts got up and told her conversion story and challenged everyone in the congregation who wasn't a member to be baptized. It was awesome!

We got to go on exchanges again this week, and I spent the 
day with my sister in the mission. (We had the same trainer.) We had a good long talk about Sis Schwarze and life, and I'm feeling a lot better about my sucky winter in Converse. Her name is Sis Camarella, and she was in the MTC with Daniel Walentine. She is also training this cute little Australian sister named Sister Alfaro. Poor Sister Alfaro was engaged before her mission, and she had a total melt down when she got to the field and he dumped her. We're going to have to talk sometime, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. The poor girl has serious guilt issues. I call it the sister missionary disease. All sister missionaries catch it at some point in their mission, but my brilliant mind and I are working on a cure. Basically, when you have this disease you are plagued with overwhelming feelings of guilt and ineptitude, feeling like you're never good enough and never working hard enough even though you know you're working your butt off. (Of course, it doesn't help when poor sisters like Sis Alfaro are chastised by the people back home who they care about and who don't really quite 100% remember what it's like to be a brand new missionary.) Okay, I'll get off my soap box now. But, speaking of boys, Sister Sorenson got this creepy text from one of the Bug Boys telling her that he thinks she's really cute and wants to "hang out" when she gets home. Gross. This kid is an RM {returned missionary}. What the crap is his problem? But anyway, exchanges were amazing. Sis Camarella said that she's been having a hard time in that area, but we saw so many miracles! We taught this African guy who was referred to us by a member, and it was a really good lesson. He kept interrupting us with comments about African courtesy, and he gave us this nasty alcohol-free malt nasty – I don't even know what. It was disgusting. 

I'm wondering how my bank account is looking because last
 Monday I bought cowboy boots. yeah... They're way cute though and I love them. I can't wait for the day I can actually wear them whenever I want.

I'm glad to hear everything is going well at home. I stuck a
 letter in the mail today finally so you should get it this week. Anna, as usual I about wet myself when I read your email. Make sure y’all are being nice to each other. I love you.


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