Monday, June 4, 2012

Real, Bearded, Backpacking Friends

Dear Family,

It has been a crazy, frickin' awesome week. Here are a few pictures...
I wish I could do individual commentary with each of them, but, unfortunately, that's not how email works. So, I'll just say some stuff and you can match it with the pictures yourselves :)

#1 (before I forget) Snookie and Sitch makin' out in church. haha. It was Stake Conference this Sunday and they sat right in front of us. Our poor investigator, Oscar, was a little distracted by them. But I think he really liked church. Heck, everyone was a little distracted by them, and the speaker sounded like the clear eyes guy. So we decided to get an adrenaline rush and snap a few pictures (The Sitch and Snookie are what the Walnut Creek elders nicknamed them. I will refrain from using their real names in order to protect their identities :)

#2 Snookie's wedding ring. I know it doesn't look like a wedding ring, but it is.

#3 Orange face!

#4 Fat kid orange face!!!

#5 Fake noses in the car.

#6 We caught a lizard and named him Spalding but he wouldn't eat anything and we didn't want him do die so we let him go. Funny story: The Walnut Creek Elders (aka the Walnut creeps) were there to witness the release. It was 9:10 at night and who should drive by but the zone leaders. hahaha. I'm just going to say that there have been some hilarious misunderstandings between us and the creeps and the Zone Leaders. It was fun. We just told them we had a pet lizard and were releasing it into the wild. He was so cute. I miss him. 

#7 Sooooooo tired

#8 Bubble gum blowing contest with Walnut Creek. I always lose this kind of contest. My mouth is too small. I kept having to leave so I could shoot pink loogies out of my mouth because there was no way I was going to swallow them. gross.

#9 Cow tongue

#10 Texas sugar cookies

#11 Transfer calls were this week. Sis Sorenson and I are staying here and so is Elder Evans, but Elder Hernandez is headed to the border :(

That's all I have space for. Apparently there's an attachment limit. Oh well. You got to see the important stuff.( and some of the not so important-y, yet-still-fun-or-entertaining-in-some-way-or-another stuff) I know that should be hyphenated, but I was too lazy to do it so use your imagination. {I fixed it!}

Remember how I told yall about that creepy boy texting Sis Sorenson? Well, he's at it again, so we went and talked to the bug boys (aka Ryan Golding and JD Doyle) about it, and they said they'd take care of it. :/ I hope they aren't too mean to him. Well...actually, they'll probably be a whole lot nicer to him than I would be.

Jessica, if a beautiful brown boy friend requests me on Facebook, please say yes.

The work is amazing right now. We have seen so many miracles this transfer; the kind of stuff you hear about in the movies kind of miracles. It has been awesome. We are teaching a bunch of people and are hoping to have a few baptisms in the coming six weeks. Sis Sorenson is going home in July which makes me so sad. The good news is, though, that someday we'll be real, bearded, backpacking friends and we're going to travel around the world together. I'm excited. I love Mount Bonnell so much! I love the people here and I love our investigators and the members are awesome. Yeah... We're all going to be real, bearded, backpacking friends someday. 

I love you all and I hope y’all have a fantastic week and a good summer. I'm going to go check up on my profile and see if it's gone through yet. I will leave you know as soon as it does and y’all should make profiles too and send me your url's so I can refer people to them :) is awesome and so are you. DFTBMA. Love y’all a ton.


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