Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Food Gave Me the Runs for 3 Days

Oh my goodness family,

I about wet myself reading some of your emails. But I don't have much time to write because they only give me 30 minutes.

Holy cow it's been a crazy couple of weeks. Thanksgiving was so good. I think the food gave me the runs for three days; but other than that it was a good day. We wore turkey hats that Hna Probert made, and we made gumdrop turkeys as a district. Elder Nelson came and spoke to us; we did a service project; and we watched 17 Miracles, which I really liked. I cried. Oooh, and last Tuesday Elder Christofferson spoke to us, so we got to see two of the Quorum of the 12 in the same week!

I met Weston Dransfield's trainer the other day when I went to the chiropractor, and he said Weston was one of his favorite companions. So you can tell his parents if you like.

There’s not much else I have time to tell now, but I love you all and hope to hear from you soon.


Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today is Thanksgiving and the family is feeling a little homesick for Morgan. But we are so grateful that she is serving a mission! Today she will have a Thanksgiving meal and one of the General Authorities of the Church will come speak to all the the missionaries in the Missionary Training Center. Lucky!

Luckily for us, we got some pictures from Morgan via snail mail. Here they are!
This is from the afternoon we dropped Morgan off at the MTC.

Morgan and her companion.

Here she is with her companion again at the Provo Temple. (P.S. Morgan is pretty tall, but her companion dwarfs her. The girl must be huge. I wonder how tall she is.)
Morgan with her district. These are the people that she spends a good 12+ hours a day with.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Bright Green One to Match My Awesomeness

So, funny story...ok it's not really that funny and really quite sad. The other night (last Tuesday) I fell asleep with my watch on as usual. In the middle of the night I woke up as usual, took it off and threw it on the floor b/c it kept getting caught on my blankets.Tthe next morning, not as usual, I forgot to put it back on so I went the whole day not knowing what time it was . :( When we got back to the room that night I couldn't find my watch anywhere. I cleaned up all my stuff and enlisted the help of all my roommates. After much searching and brainstorming Hna. McKay decided it must have fallen in the garbage can which sits right next to my bed. I immediately started digging through the garbage when another of the hermanas said,"Oh, I took it out this morning." I was crushed. So the next day I want to the bookstore to find out when they would get more watches in b/c I wanted to get another bright green one that would equal my personality in awesomeness, but they didn't have any. So I walked away and went another day without knowing the time. I returned to the bookstore the next day and there were still no bright green watches but I knew I wouldn't be able to last another day without knowing the time so I bought a navy blue watch which is not as cool but still serves its purpose.

This week has been really good apart from throwing my watch away in my sleep. oh, and I didn't get any letters b/c DearElder is down or something so that was kind of sad. I don't know though, maybe no one wrote me any letters anyway. Temple walk this week was amazing. it was so cold but the mountians are so pretty right now. I met a sister from San Antonio and she said it will be in the 80s when I get there. hahahahaha.

Scripture Study Challange: Alma 31-32 and 3 Nephi 27

I'm hoping for a letter today so I'll cut this email short in case I need time to respond to anything.
Hermana Heeder/Morgan

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I got a letter, I got a letter, I got a letter hey, hey, hey, hey!

Morgan's weekly letter is here! I want us to take a few things away form this. First, having mono stinks. Second, remember to have fun. Third, we should all alliterate when we speak to Morgan. It makes her happy. I suggest Magical Morgan but am open to your suggestions. Fourth, write more letters. Fifth, granola bars.

Hey Family,

Today is my 4 week mark and Sunday is the half way point!!!! I’m so excited to go to Texas. Sometimes I am just so done with the MTC. Then I think, “Thank goodness I still have five weeks here.” Holy poop.

Thanks for all of the letters this week. They are awesome. OK we had this fireside on Sunday that basically said, pay your tithing and DON’T HAVE FUN!!! Ok not really but … yeah that’s pretty much what it was. So here is my piece of advice for you, pay your tithing and HAVE LOTS OF FUN! b/c I can’t :(

So I saw Arlin on Friday and was so excited! I gave him a hug in the lunchroom without even thinking about it. There you go, Brent. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to come up with a song and choreography, but I’ll work on that, Brent.  I don’t see Arlin very much because we’re on different schedules. Plus he’s down stairs and I’m upstairs. But we’ve passed each other a few times so far and I see him at a distance.

Dad, if you could address me as ‘Dear Daughter’ all the time I would appreciate it. I mostly like it because it’s alliterative, so I guess you could come up with some other alliterative name for me, and that would be ok too.

I’m sick, so that’s tons of fun. Just kidding, it’s not. But I’m on antibiotics, so that’s good even if they make me want to throw up :/ I slept most of 11.11.11 and almost threw up thrice. Not cool. I even slept through 11:11 and didn’t get to make the most epic wish of my life. It pretty much sucked.
My Spanish is GOOD. It’s crazy how quickly I’ve picked it up. We speak only Spanish from 12- 9:30. It’s intense. One person we practice taught told me I have a Portuguese accent which I am definitely not upset about even if I’m speaking Spanish.

List of things I miss:
1. Music. I never thought I’d say this because I don’t even listen to music that often, bit it’s definitely one of the things I miss most.
2. Making my own food. I think I’m going to get fat here, which would be pretty impressive but is still possible. I do work out every day here which I’ve never done before, so I guess I’m not too worried about it. But I do miss being able to control my own eating schedule.

The Church is true! D&C 100, 1 Nephi 10-11, Moroni 7. Read them.
Hope to hear from you soon.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"One of them snores" and " I ripped their hearts out of their faces"

Dear Family,

I am a terrible person!

We got 4 new hermanas this week, and one of them snores. I lie awake every night from 4:30 to 6:30. I'm so tired. Good thing the Lord blesses his missionaries, or I wouldn’t be able to function. I'm so tired.

Ok, here's the real reason I'm a terrible person. The elders lied to us. They told us Elder Glandon had PUNCHED OUT A WINDOW, and that he had given elder spencer a fat lip. When the truth came out that Glandon scratched his hand on a loose screw and that Spencer got his fat lip b/c he was checking out a sister missionary and ran into a pole, we knew we had to get them back.

Monday morning we got my luggage out and went down into the zone leader's classroom. We told them we wanted to prank our elders, hehehe. I stayed in another room and Hermana Probert went into our room and told our elders I was going home to get married. They didn’t believe her at first. But she said I'd gotten a letter a week ago that I hadn't really been talking about, and that Sunday I'd fasted to know if I should stay or go home to get married and had gotten my answer. Then the zone leaders came in and said my sister would be there in 15 minutes and Probert needed to come get me.

I had my suitcases, and we came around the corner as if I were about to leave. I said my goodbyes and thanked the elders for everything. Then the zone leaders escorted us out the building. We about died laughing. I was so proud of myself and felt so bad at the same time. We made 7 grown men cry. I ripped their hearts out of their faces! I apologized a million times, but it was so funny.

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well at home. I miss you all. I feel like these last two weeks have been two months, but I'm learning a lot.

Love Morgan

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween is Over

Morgan has been in the MTC for two full weeks now. Crazy.

It turned bitter cold in Provo overnight with snow and a mean wind. It’s a good thing Morgan is a tough girl from Bear Lake, or she would be frozen. As it is, I don’t think she packed many warm clothes. So it’s also a good thing she has a great big sister (AKA me :). I sent her a package of gloves, socks, and a scarf today. That should help. But I know another care package would be nice, and a letter would warm her heart (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

Morgan is doing well. I am so proud of her for choosing to serve and I admire her tenacity. She is already in the missionary mindset and will be great in the mission field. Here are the highlights from her email:

Sorry about the poopy email last week. I forgot that I had entered the ultimate time vortex where the days become weeks and the weeks become days and the months are something entirely new
So much has happened this week I don't even know where to start. Hermana Probert and I got our first baptismal commitment from Juan aka Hermano Hunt and it was really exciting. We also taught another teacher/investigator and challenged him to be baptized. He said no but he will say yes…
The language is coming amazingly well. Holy cow does the Lord bless his missionaries. The gift of tongues is real and we have all received it.
I got really sick yesterday and the elders gave me a blessing. It was so good and was just what I needed to hear. I was healed and told that I was well loved of the lord and my district. I feel a million times better today even though I still have a runny nose… Paz Y bendiciones, peace and blessings.

Love you all
Morgan (Hermana Heeder)