Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MREs, Cleaning, and Swimming Suits

Dear Reader,
Morgan's email came in two parts this week. There will be a break partway thought your reading, that is where one email ends and the other begins.

Dear Family,
     It has been a good week. We taught two first lessons.
     I'm glad you all had fun in Disneyland and that you were able to travel safely. We did spring cleaning this week and all the missionaries spent a day cleaning their apartment. Ours was pretty gross. There was hair everywhere and old food in all the cupboards. We even found some MREs, which I thought was weird; but, then Sis Fitzgerald reminded me that we are in the middle of a military city and it was a little less weird. There are 5 military bases in San Antonio and the Converse sisters used to cover one of them.

After this little note, another email came. It said:

     I was just going to send you that other email and call it good, but then I remembered that Sister Jones said I had to send good emails so my mom wouldn't stress out any more than she needs too. (Which is not at all.) As you may know, I have not gotten any mail in four weeks and emails are usually pretty small so I don't always know what to say in reply. I try to just tell you the exciting stuff that goes on in the week but sometimes the week is pretty slow.  I also kind of find it hard to see the point in writing when I never get letters, but I'll do my best anyway.
     It's getting hot in Texas. We walk out of the apartment and are instantly sticky. Actually, we're pretty sticky inside the apartment too because our ac went out this week. Not cool (literally). We see a lot of people out doing yard work in their swimming suits which just makes it seem hotter to those of us who dress in church clothes every day. August is going to kill me.
    We’re planning a trip to the zoo soon, and I am so excited. I love zoos!
     My personal studies this week have consisted of reading the April Ensign and it is so good. "The Atonement and the Journey ofMortality" is a really good talk. You should all read it. Preferably before conference. .........................
     Ok, so I guess maybe I'll hear from y’all next week. Hope everything is going awesome.

Ok, love you all.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'm Still Awesome

Dear Family,

I got a call from the mission president's wife telling me that I had to write better letters home, so here it goes.

I just left a most amazing trio and got a most amazing companion, Sis Fitzgerald. We're back in Converse for another six weeks. The ward hadn't even realized we were gone. Not what a missionary likes to hear. We're starting a new campaign to work like crazy with the members because as things are right now... well, there's not much going. I loved being in San Pedro and I miss it so much. I just got close to the people we were teaching and then I got sent back to Converse right before our mass baptism. There are 5 people getting baptized in San Pedro this Saturday and 2 more in the next month!

When I was in San Pedro I was introduced to what is called a sister missionary's "Book of Happiness." Apparently most sisters in the mission have them. It's basically a binder full of sheet protectors and all of their letters from home. Some sisters have 4 or 5 of them- one for their family and one for their boyfriend and one for their friends and I don't even know what else. So Sister Jesperson, Sister Major, and I did a craft project and made a Book of Happiness for me even though it wasn't very happy. Please only send me happy letters. I'm tired of being pitied and chastised. I still love you anyways though.

Mom, Jessica told me you got me that book I wanted. Thank you so much. You are the best. At some point in time I'm going to ask you to also send me my card games, Zombie flux and Monopoly Deal. Card games on p-day is a big thing in this mission. Today we're going to go meet up with some other sisters and play Skip-Bo. :) I'm excited.

I learned this week that sister Schwarze lied to me and I can get emails from anyone I want, not just immediate family. Lame sauce. That would have been nice to know three months ago. Dad, today is just my 5 month mark, but it seems to have gone by really fast. I'm one of those lucky sisters that gets a 20 month mission just because of the way transfers fall. My release date falls right smack in the middle of finals week in May of 2013 so that should be fun. President doesn't send sisters home a transfer early ever so I'm in it to win it.

Being with my last three companions in the last three weeks has been so nice. When I first got into the field I looked at my companion and was like, "If this is what it means to be a missionary I am going to kill myself." But it's not and I've regained my sanity. Woohoo! I'm still Awesome! I love being awesome. My trainer was not a normal missionary. She had all sorts of problems I didn't know about. I'm grateful for awesome companions. Every companion I ever have from this day forward will be awesome in comparison so I guess it was secretly a blessing.

Did you all get my post card? I thought it was pretty funny. Texans are so prideful.
What are a Texans three favorite things?
         Barbecue, football, and Jesus
What did the cowboy say when his dog died?
        Dogdone        (Dad, that one's for you)

Jordan is going to the temple to do baptisms sometime this transfer, so that's way exciting. The ward stole him away from us and is leading him along right where he needs to be.

We're going to go to the zoo the p-day after conference, and I'm so excited. I love the zoo and I love conference. It's going to be three days of awesome.

Also tell the Roberts that I say hi and that I love them and that they should send me a letter or an email. I think I've only gotten two letters in the past 5 weeks or something like that, but, of course, I've only sent two letters in the past 5 weeks so I guess I get what I deserve.

We've also been challenging families to memorize the Articles of Faith because a general authority told us this would be a very hard year for the church, and that if every member created a profile and memorized the Articles of Faith it would help.

Here's my address by the way in case anyone wants it
8355 Crestway Dr. apt. #731
Converse, TX 78109

Not much else to report except that I'm super jealous that y’all are in Disneyland without me. I hope you're having fun though. Take a ton of pictures for me.

Love you all!

Monday, March 12, 2012


 Morgan eating a crawfish
 Exchanges with SisterElias
 Tim-Tam Slams in the MTC at Christmas. Don't ask about the rest, just take it in.
 This was on the back of a member's van.
 The district 2-29-12
Jordan's baptism

Analogies for Life

Hi Family,

I hope you're all doing well. Sorry about the confusion, but San Pedro is a street (and therefore the name of a ward) in San Antonio. I'm getting sent back to Converse on Thursday. If you're going to send me a package all I really want is a copy of "The Paper Bag Princess" which can be found on Amazon and seems to be a good analogy for my life. 

I love you all. Have a good week.
Sister Heeder

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Deliciously Crapy Email

Morgan got transferred last week and now has two companions. We didn’t get an email from her last week, and this is all she sent us this week. It's a short letter, but she seems happy. So here is her email for now, and we’ll post more (like her address) as it becomes available.

What an awesome, crazy week. Yes! I'm in San Pedro now. I didn't write last week because I was upset about all the sucky letters I'd been getting and I just wanted to forget about home for a while. Sorry.

We're going to the mercado today and I'm way excited. I have two companions that I absolutely love, and we're so busy we hardly have time to eat. We skipped dinner twice this week so we could teach lessons. Holy cow, it has been so crazy. I love it. But right now there are three of us and only one computer so I have to go, but I love you all. Mom, I've had your letter for a while but I haven't read it yet, so I guess I'll go do that. Sorry again. I'm doing really well. I love you all.

Hermana Heeder