Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No Email

For those of you who keep up on this, Morgan didn't send us an email this week. Sadness.

Monday, February 20, 2012

@*%!, the Mormons Found Me

Dear family,

What a week. It poured rain this week and by shoes dyed my feet black and they were numb so they looked dead. It was pretty gross. When we first got out to knock it was pouring and Sis Schwarze didn't have an umbrella. She was soaked in 2 minutes. I told her we had to go get her an umbrella so we took care of that and then it stopped raining 20 minutes later. When we were driving to the store though it was coming down so hard we could barely see.

I got to see a fireside by Julie B Beck. It was amazing.

Someone called the cops on us. We knocked on this door and we hear this woman swear on the other side and then ask, "Who is it?" We told her and she said, "@*%! GO AWAY." So we apologized and we left. Four houses down the road she came out and started yelling at us. "Who do you think you are knocking on people's doors at 8:00 at night? I was asleep! “We told her again who we are and apologized again and walked away. As we were walking up to the next house Sis Schwarze said, "She is mad. She’s going to call the cops." I said, "So, we're not doing anything wrong." Sure enough, at 8:40 we were knocking on a door and a cop car pulled up. He informed us that we could not solicit after 9:00 and we said, “Well, it's not after 9:00 and we're not solicitors.” We showed him our ministerial certificates and went on our way...home because we have to be in by 9:00. I have now joined the ranks of missionaries who have had the cops called on them. :)

I finally told Sister Schwarze that I just don't like her in comp inventory and she said she doesn't like me either. She called my snooty, so that was interesting.

We went to find a member who just moved into the ward. When she finished telling us that she didn't want to be a member, she said she was not going to have her records removed, and shut the door we heard her call to her husband, "@*%!, the Mormons found me." That was kind of entertaining.

Why is everyone getting hurt? Tell grandma I love her and she's such a good example to me. I hope she heals quickly. I also hope Brent is getting over that ridiculous infection. How many people can say they got a $10,000 infection from a rug burn? That’s so crazy.

Well, I hope you are all having a fantastic week and that I get to hear more from you soon. Love you all.
     Hermana Heeder (aka Morgantheawesome)

Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Called a Cruel Irony, Kronk

Family and friends,

What a week. This has been the hardest, longest, most stressful and tiring week of my mission, and it has been so good!

Sister Schwarze and I got dropped left and right and we're to the point where we have 0 progressing investigators. I was sick for three days and didn't sleep for two. Sister Schwarze and I had a three day long companionship inventory which resulted in a lot of tears, but we were able to figure some stuff out. We've been trying really hard to find some new Potentials, but between bathroom time and tears (from both of us) it was hard. I am happy to say, though, that the sun did come up every day and I'm still smiling and alive. So now I'll tell you about the cruel irony of this week.

This story is one that I hope only people with food allergies can relate to:

 I hate spaghetti. I have not eaten spaghetti in something like 8 years because I hate it so much. On Tuesday night we went to our dinner appointment and my insides groaned as I saw the spaghetti sitting on the stove. Ugh. I ate it because I didn't want to be impolite, but I did not enjoy it at all. 24 hours later I enjoyed it even less. I won't go into too much detail as this is a bit of a sensitive subject, but I will say we were visiting members a lot more than usual on Wednesday and Thursday. I did not sleep Wednesday night and I did not sleep at all on Thursday because...(I just shake my head even thinking about this) Thursday night we got to our dinner appointment and guess what they were serving. Spaghetti. I was just like," are you kidding me?" I didn't have the heart to tell them I wouldn't eat it because I told them I didn't have any food allergies. I spent the night in the bathroom. :| yeah... so  after I didn't sleep for two days, I didn't eat for two days because my stomach hurt so much and by the time today came... I am so exhausted.

Ok, I'm tired of reliving my week. It was rough. Let’s get on to happier stuff.

It's Valentine's Day! I love Valentine’s Day (haha. Get it) I don't even really know why I love Valentine ’s Day because I've never had a reason to celebrate it. I mean, the traditional view of Valentine’s Day is...well, you know. But that has never been something I've done and I don't know if it is something I will ever do, but I love giving out cheesy cards and making hart shaped sugar cookies and eating pink mashed potatoes so the 14th of February is basically awesome. This 14th of February I get to interrupt all of those traditional Valentine's activities and knock doors for hours and hours. woohoo! Happy Heart-Shaped-Cookies-And-Pink-Mashed-Potatoes Day! Also, Happy birthday yesterday, Abraham Lincoln. Yes, I celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday every year.

Curtis is still going strong. He's trying to share the gospel with his family and he participates like crazy in church. I just love him so much!

I have lost almost 15 pounds since I left on my mission (4 months ago). I've been drinking protein drinks like crazy because they're supposed to help you gain weight, right? Well, it's not working and I'm a little worried for my health. I kind of look like I'm anorexic- which is not attractive. Please leave comments and suggestions in the wherever to help my get fat.

I had another meeting with President this week because I'm so needy (sorry about that) and he gave me some good advice. Mom and Dad, thank you for the fantastic letter. I really loved it and needed to hear some words of support from someone so thanks. (p.s. sending it special got it here in the same amount of time just so you know for future reference.) I got it Saturday evening and sometime earlier that day I turned to Sister Schwarze and said, "I've been crying for two days. I'm tired of it and I'm done. Let's go knock." and I stopped crying and we went and knocked and I've been good ever since. However, that letter was just like a rainbow at the end of the week so, yeah. Thank you so much.

 I love you all. I hope you have the most wonderful week of your life and that you all make profiles.

Sister Heeder

p.s. Amy!!! Congratulations!!! Elder Jacobson from my MTC district is in Columbus, OH and I just love him. Tell him hello from me if you ever see him. I'm so stinking excited for you. You are going to love your mission so much. 

Sister Morgan Heeder
8355 Crestway Dr apt 731
Converse, TX 78109

Monday, February 6, 2012

Put a Shirt on Bro. McGee!

Dear Family,

I would like to begin today's email with a story that can only be truly told in person. However, I will do my best because it is just so funny you all need to at least hear about it.
We had a member with us on Saturday morning, Sis Theilbar from Inkom, Idaho, and were headed to a lesson. When we got there April, the wife was not feeling well. She has several health issues so we stood out on the porch in the cold for 30 minutes talking to Husband Chuck who didn't let us in because April was down and out. Sister Theilbar, being from Inkom, had claimed that she would not need a jacket. Little did she know we would be out in the cold for half an hour talking to a man with severe PTSD and who acts like a 16-year-old boy.
So finally we left and decided to run past the McGee's (a less active, part member family) to remind them to come to church in the morning. We got to the corner before their house and Lucy and Bro. McGee come outside. (Lucy works nights and he was...seeing her off.) Bro. McGee was not wearing a shirt and his pants were super low. (There was some crackage going on.) So we're at the stop sign and Sis Schwarze says, "What do we do? Do we go talk to them?" We kind of just sat there for a minute before I said, "Yeah. Let's go."
We pull up in front of their next-door neighbors house and Sis Theilbar makes a comment about "temptation" to which we both made a face and said no. So we're about to say the prayer when Lucy and Bro. McGee start making out in the driveway with us right there! Then Sis Theilbar gives us a play-by-play of what's happening as Sis Schwarze and I both cover our eyes and try to pray!
She said, "Oh, he's just giving her a little chocolate. Nothing wrong with that."
Sis Theilbar! They're living in sin!!!
Finally we got to pray and got out of the car just as Lucy pulled out. I wanted to tell Sis Schwarze to "just drive" so badly, but we had a job to do. The McGees have to come to church. 
We got out of the car and Bro McGee immediately tried to cover up. He said, "Sorry you had to see that. I wasn't expecting there to be ladies present. Let me go put a shirt on," and he left us out in the cold so he could put on a shirt. We finally got in, talked to him, and he said he would come to church. Of course, the abbreviation LA doesn't really stand for 'less active.' It really means ‘Lies A Lot.’
He walked us out to the car, and as we were getting ready to go one of his sons yelled out the window, "Dad, Cason just called you a big fat lady." It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Sis Schwarze and I both busted up laughing and tried to get ourselves under control as Bro McGee said, "Hey! What did I tell you about tattling?!" When the car doors shut I thought I would wet myself I was laughing so hard.

Speaking of wetting myself, we met two people this week that we've been trying to get a hold of because I had to go to the bathroom. I have a gift. What can I say? Ok maybe I shouldn't be telling people that my super power is needing to go to the bathroom every two hours but it has come in handy. Don't judge me.

So I hope you all enjoyed that story. Sorry you weren't able to see my facial expressions, but I'm sure those of you who know me better can imagine them. :)

My week:
On Monday we went to the Marcado and it was so fun. I bought a sombrero. I'm going to have to wear it home on the plane, but decided it is worth it bacause Dad might disown me if I serve a mission in Texas and don't come home with a sombrero.
I don't remember any specifics about the rest of the week at the moment but things are going well.

A couple of the elders gave me a blessing yesterday which was really good. I've been having a hard time with different things for the past 7 weeks or so if you haven't noticed, but I'm feeling pretty good today. I'm going strong. Hopefully the work will start coming along. Our only progressing investigator got baptized so we don't have anyone right now.

I love you all. Have a fantastic week. I will see you next Monday.

    Morgan, The coolest girl you know just because I said so. :)