Monday, May 7, 2012

Singles' Ward (Part 2)

Dear Family,

Ok, so yesterday we went to the Walnut Creek family ward because one of our investigators is supposed to be switching over. Well, she didn't show up, but we stayed for sacrament meeting anyway. 
Every summer in Austin a ton of new people move in to sell pest control;  "bug boys." well, as I was sitting at the back of the chapel I glanced this girl- clearly a Utah girl; big hair and fake bake tan- sitting with whom I supposed to be her boyfriend. Then the boy she was sitting with turned his head to whisper some sweet nothing in her ear and I thought, "Oh my goodness, that looks just like Eric Tatro." As I continued to stare at them from my back row seat as they made eyes at each other and snuck kisses every 10 minutes I realized that it was indeed Eric Tatro and that Ryan Golding was sitting on his other side. 
As soon as Sacrament was over I jumped up and went to where they were sitting to say hi. Also, I, being naive as I am and assuming that all of my peers must still be as single as myself, I had the intention to invite them to the singles' ward and let them know what activities were going on. So I just walked right up and started talking to them. I was greeted with the most Utah "oh my gosh" I've heard in quite a while. Then Eric said, "HI, this is my wife." ugh. I'm sure the surprise on my face was hilarious. First of all, didn't he just get home from his mission? Second of all, who does that? I hope to never be introduced simply as "wife." I'm sure this wife girl has a perfectly normal name that the world would like to know, but those of you who read this email and I will simply know her as wife. 
While all of this was going on, Ryan was just looking at me with a very confused look on his face. I said,
"You know, it's really crazy that I even ran into you all here because this isn't even my ward. I'm in the singles' ward."
Ryan said, "What are you doing here?"
I said, "I'm in the singles' ward here."
Ok, so I was obviously missing something because he asked me the same question again. Then I realized that he meant- what am I doing in Texas. I tapped my badge and he said, "Oh, You're a missionary. ok"

Then the funny part ended so I said goodbye and went to my ward. Leslie showed up. Yay!
After church we had a linger longer. Good thing too because we go to church until 5:45 and I was starving. As I waited in line for food I was talking to one of the bug boys. I don't remember his name but let's see if anyone can figure out who he is. As we were talking it came out that he served his mission in Jacksonville, Florida and got home about two years ago. (yes Jessica, this one is for you) I told him that my sister served in Jacksonville, Florida and has been home for about two years. He said, "What's her name?" I grabbed my name tag and held it out and said, "Sister Heeder." (I'm such a brat) hahaha.
He said, "oh yeah, Sister Heeder. Jessica, Right? I was her zone leader when she served in Orange Park." So, do you know who he is yet? He is from Mesa, Arizona and he's brown (he's Native American). Yeah, that guy. {Eric Trott!} He’s in my ward. He took a picture on us on his phone and I gave him Jessica's phone number and he texted it to her. Then I remembered that night that Jessica probably can't receive picture texts any more, but if you facebook him he said he'd put it on facebook  :) {I got the picture and will put in at the bottom of this post.}

We were able to meet some really cool people this week and we taught a first lesson in Spanish :)

For my spiritual thought/challenge thing this week I want to share with you an epiphany I had this week. go back and review President Eyring's talk from conference about how time seems to slow when we are facing trials. Then read Heleman 15:4,10-11; 2Ne. 2:21; and Mosiah 14:10 and tell me what you think. For me it was like getting hit over the head with a shovel, but I want to know how y’all feel about it.
I'm not going to give you my real address b/c we have all sorts of things going on when mail will be delivered from the office and I hate hoping for mail and not getting it. so, I figured if I just get mail on three set times during the transfer when I'm pretty darn sure I'll be getting mail, it will save me some grief. Nothing against you family, I'm just trying something new out. I'm looking forward to talking to you all in a few days. I'm going to have to start writing things down that I want to say. We'll make it a good 45 minutes. Don’t you even worry about it. Also, being in a singles' ward I get exposed to all sorts of worldly things and my new favorite song is "Fire to the Rain" by Adele so if someone wants to be my little apostate friend and print out the lyrics and send them to me I would greatly appreciate it. One of our members took us out to lunch and pulled out his iPad and started playing all the new songs that are popular that we haven't heard yet and then he begged us to borrow his iPad. Oh my goodness, he is so funny. I love my ward so much. 

ok, bye, I love you
Hermana Heeder

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